What is the story behind Dragon Boat Festival?

The history of the Dragon Boat Festival is mainly related to Qu Yuan.

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Qu Yuan was a patriotic poet and minister in the state of Chu during the Warring States period. He cared deeply for his country and its people, but was slandered and exiled. When he finally saw his country being invaded and on the verge of collapse, he felt extremely sad and desperate. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, he threw himself into the Miluo River to express his loyalty and love for the country.

After Qu Yuan's death, the local people were very sad. To prevent the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body, they rowed boats on the river and threw zongzi into the water. Gradually, these practices developed into the traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival, such as dragon boat racing and eating zongzi.

Another version of the story involves Wu Zixu. He was also a person with a tragic fate. His deeds and spirit are also remembered and commemorated during the Dragon Boat Festival.

Thus, the Dragon Boat Festival has become an important festival that carries the memory and spirit of the Chinese nation, passing on the values of patriotism and loyalty from generation to generation.

Note: CAFU Company will take a day off on June 10th to celebrate this holiday.

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